Guatemala Huehuetenango - Light Roast

54 In stock

We Taste: juicy, cherry, orange, chocolate, complex.

Guatemala is a fascinating country with rich indigenous culture and stunning natural habitats. The most striking features of its landscape are the 37 volcanoes, several of them still being active. These volcanoes are not only attractive to travelers to discover but make up the distinct characters to be found in Guatemalan coffees. Set in the northwest, bordering Mexico, Huehuetenango has become one of the most well-known coffee growing areas in the country. 

The name “Huehuetenango” stems from the historic Aztec language Nahuatl and translates into “place of the ancestors”. Elevation in this area reaches from 300 to 3850 meters, creating ideal micro-climate conditions for coffee cultivation. However, this coffee is only grown on the mountain slopes ranging from 1350 to 2000 meters, classifying this coffee for strictly hard bean (SHB) grade.

Due to the high elevation these beans grow slower than usual but also develop a higher density, building a very hard core. This is fostered through intense sun exposure during the day while cold and moist winds cool down the area at night. Along with higher density comes a complex abundance of citric and fruitful aromas that let coffee from Huehuetenango rank as one of the best gourmet coffees in the world. We are proud to offer you our special selection Las Amapolas from one of Guatemala’s remote areas.

Grade: SHB EP Fancy Huehuetenango [Finca La Bolsa]


Varietal: Bourbon, Caturra, Pacamara

Elevation: 4-5,000 feet above sea level [1,300-1,600 MASL]


Vides 58:

"Floral aroma, citrus acidity and round mouthfeel.  Well balanced with dark chocolate and berry notes.  Sweet and spicy aftertaste."

Finca La Bolsa finalist of Cup of Excellence and Rainforest Alliance certified.

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